
Module for the base hyperparameter tuning class.

Module Contents#



Hyperparameter tuner using Optuna.



The logger for the module.


Literal type for the direction of optimization.


The logger for the module.


Literal type for the direction of optimization.

class mleko.model.tune.optuna_tuner.OptunaTuner(objective_function: Callable[[optuna.Trial, mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, vaex.DataFrame], float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis]] | Callable[[optuna.Trial, mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, list[tuple[vaex.DataFrame, vaex.DataFrame]]], float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis]], direction: OptimizeDirection | list[OptimizeDirection], num_trials: int, cv_folds: Callable[[mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, vaex.DataFrame], list[tuple[vaex.DataFrame, vaex.DataFrame]]] | None = None, enqueue_trials: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, sampler: optuna.samplers.BaseSampler | None = None, pruner: optuna.pruners.BasePruner | None = None, study_name: str | None = None, storage: str | optuna.storages.RDBStorage | None = None, load_if_exists: bool = False, random_state: int | None = 42, cache_directory: str | pathlib.Path = 'data/optuna-tuner', cache_size: int = 1)#

Bases: mleko.model.tune.base_tuner.BaseTuner

Hyperparameter tuner using Optuna.

Initializes a new OptunaTuner instance.

For more information about Optuna, please refer to the documentation:


To visualize the optimization process, you can use the optuna-dashboard library. By specifying the storage parameter, the tuner will save the study to the specified file or storage.

If a sqlite3 file path is defined, the optimization can be visualized using the optuna-dashboard command: `bash optuna-dashboard sqlite:///PATH_TO_YOUR_OPTUNA_STORAGE.sqlite3 `

The study_name parameter can be used to specify the name of the study, which will be displayed in the optuna-dashboard interface. If the study_name is not specified, the current date and time will be used. It is also referred to as the study_id in Optuna.


The caching functionality of the objective function is implemented by serializing the function source code itself. Ensure that all dependencies of the objective function are defined within the function itself. Otherwise, the dependencies will not be included in the fingerprint of the tuner and the results of the hyperparameter tuning will be unpredictable. For example, if the objective function depends on a global variable, the caching functionality will not detect changes to the value itself and will not recompute the result.

In addition, the objective function should preferably not use any cached methods, such as BaseModel.fit_transform. Instead, the objective function should use the underscored methods (BaseModel._fit_transform) to avoid caching the results of each trial.

  • objective_function (Callable[[optuna.Trial, mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, vaex.DataFrame], float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis]] | Callable[[optuna.Trial, mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, list[tuple[vaex.DataFrame, vaex.DataFrame]]], float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis]]) – The objective function to optimize. The function must accept three arguments: the Optuna trial, the data schema, and the DataFrame or CV list of DataFrames to be tuned on. The function must return either a single float value or a list/tuple of float values. If a list/tuple is returned, the tuner will perform multi-objective optimization.

  • direction (OptimizeDirection | list[OptimizeDirection]) – The direction of optimization. Either “maximize” or “minimize”. If a list of directions is given, the tuner will perform multi-objective optimization. The length of the list must match the length of the list returned by the objective function.

  • cv_folds (Callable[[mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, vaex.DataFrame], list[tuple[vaex.DataFrame, vaex.DataFrame]]] | None) – The cross-validation function to use. The function must accept the data schema and the DataFrame to be tuned on and return a list of tuples containing the training and validation DataFrames. The length of the list must match the number of folds to perform.

  • enqueue_trials (list[dict[str, Any]] | None) – A list of dictionaries containing the parameters configurations to enqueue trials. The keys of the dictionary must match the parameter names of the objective function. The tuner will enqueue the trials with the specified configurations before starting the optimization.

  • num_trials (int) – The number of trials to perform.

  • sampler (optuna.samplers.BaseSampler | None) – The Optuna sampler to use, if None TPESampler is used for single-objective optimization and NSGAIISampler is used for multi-objective optimization.

  • pruner (optuna.pruners.BasePruner | None) – The Optuna pruner to use, if None optuna.pruners.MedianPruner is used.

  • study_name (str | None) – The name of the study. If None, the current date and time will be used.

  • storage (str | optuna.storages.RDBStorage | None) – The name of the storage to save the study to. If None, the study will not be saved to a persistent storage. Refer to the Optuna documentation for more information on the storage options.

  • load_if_exists (bool) – Flag to control the behavior to handle a conflict of study names. In the case where a study named study_name already exists in the storage, a DuplicatedStudyError is raised if load_if_exists is set to False. Otherwise, the creation of the study is skipped, and the existing one is returned.

  • random_state (int | None) – The random state to use for the Optuna sampler. If None, the default random state of the sampler is used. Setting this will override the random state of the sampler.

  • cache_directory (str | pathlib.Path) – The target directory where the output is to be saved.

  • cache_size (int) – The maximum number of cache entries.


>>> import vaex
>>> from mleko.model import LGBMModel
>>> from mleko.tune import OptunaTuner
>>> from mleko.dataset import DataSchema
>>> def objective_function(trial, data_schema, dataframe):
...     params = {
...         "num_iterations": trial.suggest_int("num_iterations", 10, 100),
...         "learning_rate": trial.suggest_float("learning_rate", 0.01, 0.1),
...         "num_leaves": trial.suggest_int("num_leaves", 10, 100),
...     }
>>>     model = LGBMModel(
...         target="class_",
...         features=["sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width"],
...         num_iterations=100,
...         learning_rate=0.1,
...         num_leaves=31,
...         random_state=42,
...         metric=["auc"],
...     )
>>>     df_train, df_val =, verbose=False)
>>>     _, metrics, _, _ = model._fit_transform(data_schema, df_train, df_val, params)
>>>     return metrics['validation']['auc'][-1]
>>> optuna_tuner = OptunaTuner(
...     objective_function=objective_function,
...     direction="maximize",
...     num_trials=51,
...     random_state=42,
... )
>>> dataframe =
>>> data_schema = DataSchema(
...     numerical=["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width"],
... )
>>> best_trial, best_score, study = optuna_tuner.tune(data_schema, dataframe)
_tune(data_schema: mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, dataframe: vaex.DataFrame) tuple[mleko.model.base_model.HyperparametersType, float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis],]#

Perform the hyperparameter tuning.


Tuple containing the best hyperparameters, the best score, and a the Optuna study.

Return type:

tuple[mleko.model.base_model.HyperparametersType, float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis],]

_fingerprint() Hashable#

Generates a fingerprint for the tuner.


The fingerprint of the tuner.

Return type:


_reset_sampler_rng(sampler: optuna.samplers.BaseSampler) None#

Resets the random number generator of the given Optuna sampler.


sampler (optuna.samplers.BaseSampler) – The Optuna sampler to reset the random number generator of.

Return type:


tune(data_schema: mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema, dataframe: vaex.DataFrame, cache_group: str | None = None, force_recompute: bool = False, disable_cache: bool = False) tuple[mleko.model.base_model.HyperparametersType, float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis], Any]#

Perform the hyperparameter tuning on the given DataFrame.

  • data_schema (mleko.dataset.data_schema.DataSchema) – Data schema for the DataFrame.

  • dataframe (vaex.DataFrame) – DataFrame to be tuned on.

  • cache_group (str | None) – The cache group to use for caching.

  • force_recompute (bool) – Weather to force recompute the result.

  • disable_cache (bool) – If set to True, disables the cache.


Tuple containing the best hyperparameters, the best score, and a dictionary containing any additional information about the tuning process. The dictionary is specific to each tuner, please refer to the documentation of the tuner for more information.

Return type:

tuple[mleko.model.base_model.HyperparametersType, float | list[float] | tuple[float, Ellipsis], Any]

_load_cache_from_disk() None#

Loads the cache entries from the cache directory and initializes the LRU cache.

Cache entries are ordered by their modification time, and the cache is trimmed if needed.

Return type:


_load_from_cache(cache_key: str, cache_handlers: mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler]) Any | None#

Loads data from the cache based on the provided cache key and updates the LRU cache.

  • cache_key (str) – A string representing the cache key.

  • cache_handlers (mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler]) – A CacheHandler instance or a list of CacheHandler instances. If a single CacheHandler instance is provided, it will be used for all cache files. If a list of CacheHandler instances is provided, each CacheHandler instance will be used for each cache file.


The cached data if it exists, or None if there is no data for the given cache key.

Return type:

Any | None

_save_to_cache(cache_key: str, output: Any | Sequence[Any], cache_handlers: mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler]) None#

Saves the given data to the cache using the provided cache key, updating the LRU cache accordingly.

If the cache reaches its maximum size, the least recently used entry will be evicted.

  • cache_key (str) – A string representing the cache key.

  • output (Any | Sequence[Any]) – The data to be saved to the cache.

  • cache_handlers (mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler]) – A CacheHandler instance or a list of CacheHandler instances. If a single CacheHandler instance is provided, it will be used for all cache files. If a list of CacheHandler instances is provided, each CacheHandler instance will be used for each cache file.

Return type:


_evict_least_recently_used_if_full(group_identifier: str) None#

Evicts the least recently used cache entry if the cache is full.


group_identifier (str) – The group identifier for the cache entries.

Return type:


_cached_execute(lambda_func: Callable[[], Any], cache_key_inputs: list[Hashable | tuple[Any, mleko.cache.fingerprinters.base_fingerprinter.BaseFingerprinter]], cache_group: str | None = None, force_recompute: bool = False, cache_handlers: mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler] | None = None, disable_cache: bool = False) Any#

Executes the given function, caching the results based on the provided cache keys and fingerprints.


The cache group is used to group related cache keys together to prevent collisions between cache keys originating from the same method. For example, if a method is called during the training and testing phases of a machine learning pipeline, the cache keys for the training and testing phases should be using different cache groups to prevent collisions between the cache keys for the two phases. Otherwise, the later cache keys might overwrite the earlier cache entries.

  • lambda_func (Callable[[], Any]) – A lambda function to execute.

  • cache_key_inputs (list[Hashable | tuple[Any, mleko.cache.fingerprinters.base_fingerprinter.BaseFingerprinter]]) – A list of cache keys that can be a mix of hashable values and tuples containing a value and a BaseFingerprinter instance for generating fingerprints.

  • cache_group (str | None) – A string representing the cache group, used to group related cache keys together when methods are called independently.

  • force_recompute (bool) – A boolean indicating whether to force recompute the result and update the cache, even if a cached result is available.

  • cache_handlers (mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler] | None) – A CacheHandler instance or a list of CacheHandler instances. If None, the cache files will be read using pickle. If a single CacheHandler instance is provided, it will be used for all cache files. If a list of CacheHandler instances is provided, each CacheHandler instance will be used for each cache file.

  • disable_cache (bool) – Overrides the class-level disable_cache attribute. If set to True, disables the cache.


A tuple containing a boolean indicating whether the cached result was used, and the result of executing the given function. If a cached result is available and force_recompute is False, the cached result will be returned instead of recomputing the result.

Return type:


_compute_cache_key(cache_key_inputs: list[Hashable | tuple[Any, mleko.cache.fingerprinters.base_fingerprinter.BaseFingerprinter]], cache_group: str | None = None, frame_depth: int = 3) str#

Computes the cache key based on the provided cache keys and the calling function’s fully qualified name.

  • cache_key_inputs (list[Hashable | tuple[Any, mleko.cache.fingerprinters.base_fingerprinter.BaseFingerprinter]]) – A list of cache keys that can be a mix of hashable values and tuples containing a value and a BaseFingerprinter instance for generating fingerprints.

  • cache_group (str | None) – A string representing the cache group.

  • frame_depth (int) – The depth of the frame to inspect. The default value is 2, which is the frame of the calling function or method. For each nested function or method, the frame depth should be increased by 1.


ValueError – If the computed cache key is too long.


A string representing the computed cache key, which is the MD5 hash of the fully qualified name of the calling function or method, along with the fingerprints of the provided cache keys.

Return type:


_get_handler(cache_handlers: mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler], index: int = 0) mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler#

Gets the cache handler at the given index.

  • cache_handlers (mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler]) – A CacheHandler instance or a list of CacheHandler instances.

  • index (int) – The index of the cache handler to get.


Handler at the given index. If a single CacheHandler instance is provided, it will be returned.

Return type:


_write_to_cache_file(cache_key: str, output_item: Any, index: int, cache_handlers: mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler], is_sequence_output: bool) None#

Writes the given data to the cache file using the provided cache key.

If the output is None and the cache handler cannot handle None, the output will be saved using the pickle cache handler. Otherwise, the output will be saved to a cache file using the provided cache handler.

  • cache_key (str) – A string representing the cache key.

  • output_item (Any) – The data to be saved to the cache.

  • index (int) – The index of the cache handler to use.

  • cache_handlers (mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler | list[mleko.cache.handlers.CacheHandler]) – A CacheHandler instance or a list of CacheHandler instances.

  • is_sequence_output (bool) – Whether the output is a sequence or not. If True, the cache file will be saved with the index appended to the cache key.

Return type:


_find_cache_type_name(cls: type) str | None#

Recursively searches the class hierarchy for the name of the class that inherits from CacheMixin.


cls (type) – The class to search.


The name of the class that inherits from CacheMixin, or None if no such class exists.

Return type:

str | None